Basic Income + Reparations

Atlanta aint yet been free...We are still all too enslaved..yet I have a vision of a city that is funky with finally-freed peoples. If we could guarantee everyone living funds in the form of a $2,000/month basic income; we could see that all persons have the means to keep well fed with a safe warm place to sleep healthilly.
descendants of slaves shall be entitled to receive a 5/3rds payout ($3,333/month) as an act of reparation. ✊🏼

"My name is tiny angry orange Alex Barrella; and I approve this message"

< ALEXB4MAYOR 2021 >
la copywritten 2019-2021 alex barrella for alexbarrella4mayor


  1. Where should we pull these billzillions of dollars from???

    I propose we extract it from the fat wallets of the 1% whomest own 99% to start-but we could also take advantage of the fact that the dollar is pinned to nothing and we can just mint as much as we need to guarantee everyone basic human rights for a change huh?

  2. updated to reflect HIGHER VALUES
